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Rawtherapee Film Simulations


Rawtherapee, an open source alternative to Adobe Lightroom/CameraRaw has become my first preference for image editing. It has everything from simple to very advanced enhancements and unlike Lightroom it doesn’t require a computer with a lot of memory and processing power to run. It’s also completely free, unlike Adobe’s alternatives that require a monthly subscription. Take a look at the gallery below and see if you can spot the subtle differences. These are film simulations, an option within Rawtherapee. I was impressed by the film simulations on a friend’s Fujifilm camera, so I wanted to try some myself through Rawtherapee.

#Filmsimulation #Rawtherapee #Street #Osaka #Japan #RX100M3

I prefer #Velvia amongst these.

If you have any questions about Rawtherapee or editing RAW photos in general, please comment below.

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