Rawtherapee, an open source alternative to Adobe Lightroom/CameraRaw has become my first preference for image editing. It has everything from simple to very advanced enhancements and unlike Lightroom it doesn’t require a computer with a lot of memory and processing power to run. It’s also completely free, unlike Adobe’s alternatives that require a monthly subscription. Take a look at the gallery below and see if you can spot the subtle differences. These are film simulations, an option within Rawtherapee. I was impressed by the film simulations on a friend’s Fujifilm camera, so I wanted to try some myself through Rawtherapee.

#Filmsimulation #Rawtherapee #Street #Osaka #Japan #RX100M3

I prefer #Velvia amongst these.

If you have any questions about Rawtherapee or editing RAW photos in general, please comment below.

Written by steve2theworld

I’m an amateur photographer and freelance writer based in Osaka, Japan. I specialise in pictures and reviews of travel, gourmet and recreation in Japan. I also have an interest in mobile technology, digital asset management and online marketing. I write about personal and professional development in all areas of life....
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