There’s a wonderful Rose Garden on Nakanoshima, a 3km long sandbank between Umeda and Yodoyabashi in Osaka, Japan.
When the flowers were blooming I took the opportunity to practice some macro photography with my SONY RX100M3.
Cloudy Skies in Yodoyabashi
I took this shot on the way to the Nakanoshima Rose Garden.

Reach for the skies

Pink Rose
I took this shot of a pink rose at Nakanoshima Rose Garden with my SONY RX100M3 with 3 bracketed exposures EV 1.0 apart. Those shots were merged into one HDR (High Definition Range” photo as you see below.

Yellow, white, pink
Another bracketed HDR shot.
I haven’t studied what type of rose this is, but I like the gradient from yellow to white to pink.
Right down the middle
This HDR was shot during my trip to the Nakanoshima Rose Garden.

Here’s a zoomed image from the same spot, this time I was trying to time it to get the dog right in the middle.

Macro Power
I certainly wasn’t the only photographer at the Rose Garden. There were some very keen photographers with a myriad of equipment including tripods and macro lenses like the one this gentleman was using.